Many people interested in micro CHP are unsure whether
it is economically worthwhile to install such a system. This simple
calculator is intended as a tool for you to calculate your potential energy
savings, based on your current fuel bills. From this you can work out how
long it will take to pay back the investment in micro CHP.
Please note that this spreadsheet is provided
only for you to undertake an estimate and that each home and household is
different. You should satisfy yourself that the result is reasonable.
You will not be asked for your personal details. If you want more
information on the product you have selected, please contact the manufacturer
(or other supplier) via the links on the products page.
Download the MS Excel spreadsheet and then enter
your details to work out how much you can save.
Clicking on the "calculator" button will
take you to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. You need to have MS
Excel installed to run this calculation.

This calculation assumes that you are considering
replacing your boiler (which has reached the end of its useful life) with either
a micro CHP unit or a new 88% efficient condensing gas boiler. It is based on
replacing the boiler with a WhisperGen micro CHP unit; other products may be
evaluated if you know the respective heat and power outputs. You will need to
know your gas and electricity costs for a complete year, which you can obtain from
your annual energy bills.